Exquisite detail

Jason McDonald


Top image: Whitebox (detail); Middle image: Finches (detail). Bottom image: Finches. Photos courtesy of the artist.

Top image: Whitebox (detail); Middle image: Finches (detail). Bottom image: Finches. Photos courtesy of the artist.


We are pleased to welcome Jason McDonald to GOST. I recently met Jason in person and feel like we've known each other for ages. A very natural friendship due to our down to earth attitude, good sense of humour and clearly a love of art. Jason has created smaller works especially for GOST and with Christmas around the corner it's the perfect time to gift to a loved one or reward yourself for any reason! Jason is inspired by the flora and fauna on the property where his popular eco retreat accommodation is located. He is as close to nature as one can get and when I caught up with him recently in Orange he enthusiastically told me about these orchid plants that trick insects into pollinating them. Effectively they have been duped as there was no nectar! BTW they are called Australian Tiger orchids Diuris sulphurea, part of the Donkey Orchid family.

To read more about Jason visit his artist page which tells you more about the works we have at GOST. We have created a little video (see below) of his artworks so you can go on a virtual tour through the Australian Bush.



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