Madeline Young

Madeline Young is an Australian artist living and working in the thriving regional community of Orange, NSW.

Madeline’s abstract paintings are inspired by the unique beauty of the Australian bush; the way dappled sunlight filters through the canopy, casting long rays of light and shadow and the distinctive blue-green of Eucalyptus leaves filling the air with their familiar scent. Madeline simplifies and exaggerates the shapes she finds in nature and uses blocks of colour to create works that, like the Australian bush, are simultaneously vibrant and serene.
Within her oeuvre, Madeline flitters between abstract and realism; each inviting a dreamy palette of colours from the landscape or vivid jewel-like tones. There is always a return to pinks in its various guises, eucalyptus greens, and earthy browns; occasionally colours popping up that reveal a connection to emotions and life.

In 2009, Madeline was awarded a Bachelor of Fine Arts majoring in printmaking and photography from the University of Newcastle, NSW. From 2011 to 2014, she worked as the Artist in Residence at an educational institution in Orange. In 2014, she founded The Corner Store Gallery and is inspired by the many dedicated artists who exhibit in her gallery. 

In addition to being a Director, Madeline is now a curator and practicing artist who has featured in solo / group exhibitions in Australia. In 2021, she participated in a group exhibition at Sydney Road Gallery and in 2020 had a solo show in Canberra at M16 Artspace.